摘要:宇宙没有其他形态,只有“爆炸形态”,它要创造天体﹑动物和植物,就必须遵循 “.”;“1”;“0” 法则,也称是“宇宙法则”。统一基督教和它的衍生教,以及反对教伊斯兰教等。
摘要:宇宙没有其他形态,只有“爆炸形态”,它要创造天体﹑动物和植物,就必须遵循 “.”;“1”;“0” 法则,也称是“宇宙法则”。统一基督教和它的衍生教,以及反对教伊斯兰教等。
海之涛: 宇宙是按照它的形态建立了“宇宙法则”
摘要:宇宙没有其它形态,只有“爆炸形态”,它要创造天体﹑动物和植物,就必须遵循 “.”;“1”;“0” 法则,也称是“宇宙法则”。
图 1 大爆炸
具体的说,科学只有一个 “万有引力理论” 学说,哲学没有解释,宗教只有一个 “真善” 说。
假如我们有个理论能够使科学家﹑哲学家和宗教家都信服,是不是就可节省下大部分的教育经费? 而当宗教被统一后,是否可省下大部分善款,没有战争。这是不是将出现日月丽天,群阴慑服 (群阴是指各种政府,教会和学术骗术),太平盛世景象!
现在我就展现一下这样的理论。 为什么“.”;“1”;“0”或 “宇宙自己的‘爆炸形态’”,就是“宇宙法则”?
宇宙从一个点大爆炸后,它的形态是不是就象 “.”;“1”;“0” 。(看照片)圣经上说:“神是按照自己的形象造人。”
图 2 “.”;“1”;“0” 式
从另一方面说,“.”;“1”;“0” 的理论就是一个形态,并非一个公式和理论。我们用这个形态来解释任何物质的变化,就叫 “形而上学”,中文译名“形而上学”取自《易经•系辞上传》“形而上者谓之道,形而下者谓之器”。我认为用形态来解释所有学问就是“上上的学问”,是学问里面最高的。从这一方面来说,哲学家也接受了我们的理论。
对于科学家来说,当宇宙大爆炸后,它的爆炸物质冲破了平静的时空,激起了时空波澜,时空实际上就是介质以太,它可弯曲。虽然迈克尔逊 - 莫雷实验证明没有以太,但从时空弯曲来说,可认为时空就是以太。
从另一方面说,“.”;“1”;“0” 的理论就是一个形态,并非一个公式和理论。我们用这个形态来解释任何物质的变化,就叫 “形而上学”,中文译名“形而上学”取自《易经•系辞上传》“形而上者谓之道,形而下者谓之器”。我认为用形态来解释所有学问就是“上上的学问”,是学问里面最高的。从这一方面来说,哲学家也接受了我们的理论。
对于科学家来说,当宇宙大爆炸后,它的爆炸物质冲破了平静的时空,激起了时空波澜,时空实际上就是介质以太,它可弯曲。虽然迈克尔逊 - 莫雷实验证明没有以太,但从时空弯曲来说,可认为时空就是以太。
图 3 水滴
为什么会这样呢?因为时间和空间都是能量,这个波澜就展示了宇宙必须遵循的法则。这个法则就是“.”;“1”;“0” 法则,即宇宙法则。
另外爱因斯坦的相对论导出的“质能方程”就呈“.” 性;牛顿的万有引力理论,呈“0” 性;而麦克斯韦方程组,呈“1” 性。三大物理学理论都遵循了“.”;“1”;“0” 理论,也就是说,科学家也接受了我们的理论。
从这些论证,我们可以说, “.”;“1”;“0” 理论,使宗教家﹑哲学家和科学家全都接受和信服了,也即所有的自然科学理论,哲学理论和宗教理论都被统一了,而宇宙如何创造天体﹑动物和植物,已经被拉开了一个口子。
总结来说,宇宙没有其它形态,只有“爆炸形态”,它要创造天体﹑动物和植物,就必须遵循 “.”;“1”;“0” 法则,也称是“宇宙法则”,而由此而带来的文明,我们就称 “银河系文明”(发展完成在大约 2012年左右,由7部彩虹金书写就,正对应玛雅文明的预言)。而之前的文明,我们统称为“恒星系文明”。
1. 海之涛: 《宇宙法则》(2003年)宇宙法则出版社出版,澳洲悉尼。
2. John chang: 《Universal Law: Galaxy civilization》 ( 2015 ), Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
为什么会这样呢?因为时间和空间都是能量,这个波澜就展示了宇宙必须遵循的法则。这个法则就是“.”;“1”;“0” 法则,即宇宙法则。
另外爱因斯坦的相对论导出的“质能方程”就呈“.” 性;牛顿的万有引力理论,呈“0” 性;而麦克斯韦方程组,呈“1” 性。三大物理学理论都遵循了“.”;“1”;“0” 理论,也就是说,科学家也接受了我们的理论。
从这些论证,我们可以说, “.”;“1”;“0” 理论,使宗教家﹑哲学家和科学家全都接受和信服了,也即所有的自然科学理论,哲学理论和宗教理论都被统一了,而宇宙如何创造天体﹑动物和植物,已经被拉开了一个口子。
总结来说,宇宙没有其它形态,只有“爆炸形态”,它要创造天体﹑动物和植物,就必须遵循 “.”;“1”;“0” 法则,也称是“宇宙法则”,而由此而带来的文明,我们就称 “银河系文明”(发展完成在大约 2012年左右,由7部彩虹金书写就,正对应玛雅文明的预言)。而之前的文明,我们统称为“恒星系文明”。
1. 海之涛: 《宇宙法则》(2003年)宇宙法则出版社出版,澳洲悉尼。
2. John chang: 《Universal Law: Galaxy civilization》 ( 2015 ), Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
The shape of the universe is in accordance with the “universal law”
John Chang
24 May, 2017
Abstract: The universe has no other shape than the “explosion shape”. It wants to create celestial bodies, animals and plants according to the “. 1 0” rule, also known as the “universal law”.
John Chang
24 May, 2017
Abstract: The universe has no other shape than the “explosion shape”. It wants to create celestial bodies, animals and plants according to the “. 1 0” rule, also known as the “universal law”.
Fig. 1.The Big Bang
To date, none of the fields of science, philosophy and religion have provided any explanation for how God created stars, animals and plants. Specifically, science has only the “gravitational theory”, philosophy gives no explanation, and religion speaks only of a “benevolence”. I intend to demonstrate the theory by which all scientists, philosophers and religious people can be convinced, namely that “the explosive shape of the universe” – the “. 1 0” type – is the “universal law”.
The universe expanded from a point in the Big Bang, its shape like “. 1 0”. The Bible says, “God made man according to his own image.” (see Fig. 1).
To date, none of the fields of science, philosophy and religion have provided any explanation for how God created stars, animals and plants. Specifically, science has only the “gravitational theory”, philosophy gives no explanation, and religion speaks only of a “benevolence”. I intend to demonstrate the theory by which all scientists, philosophers and religious people can be convinced, namely that “the explosive shape of the universe” – the “. 1 0” type – is the “universal law”.
The universe expanded from a point in the Big Bang, its shape like “. 1 0”. The Bible says, “God made man according to his own image.” (see Fig. 1).
Fig. 2. The “. 1 0” type
In fact, the universe has only one shape, which is the explosion shape, formed according to the universal law. It is in accordance with this law that celestial bodies, plants and animals, including people, were created.
In other words, this corresponds wonderfully to the prophecy of the Old Testament. Yet religious people have nothing to say on the concept of the universal law.
On the other hand, the theory of the“. 1 0”type is a form, and not a formula or a theory. We use this form to explain any material changes, through “metaphysics”. The use of this form to explain all knowledge is the highest kind of knowledge. In this respect, philosophers have accepted our theory.
For the scientist, at the moment of the Big Bang, the explosion broke through the calm of time and space, stirring up time and space waves. Time and space as the medium can be bent. It was like the moment when a stone is thrown into calm water, with the water stirred into waves.
In fact, the universe has only one shape, which is the explosion shape, formed according to the universal law. It is in accordance with this law that celestial bodies, plants and animals, including people, were created.
In other words, this corresponds wonderfully to the prophecy of the Old Testament. Yet religious people have nothing to say on the concept of the universal law.
On the other hand, the theory of the“. 1 0”type is a form, and not a formula or a theory. We use this form to explain any material changes, through “metaphysics”. The use of this form to explain all knowledge is the highest kind of knowledge. In this respect, philosophers have accepted our theory.
For the scientist, at the moment of the Big Bang, the explosion broke through the calm of time and space, stirring up time and space waves. Time and space as the medium can be bent. It was like the moment when a stone is thrown into calm water, with the water stirred into waves.
Fig. 3. Water wave
Why is that? Because time and space are energy, this wave shows the universal law that must be followed. This law is the “. 1 0” rule, or the universal law. Scientists have therefore accepted our theory.
From these arguments, we can say that the universal law can be accepted by religious people, philosophers and scientists, and that it unifies their theories. Furthermore, it opens a door to explaining how the universe created celestial bodies, animals and plants.
John Chang, Universal Law (2003),Universal Publishing(Chinese), Sydeny, Australia.
Why is that? Because time and space are energy, this wave shows the universal law that must be followed. This law is the “. 1 0” rule, or the universal law. Scientists have therefore accepted our theory.
From these arguments, we can say that the universal law can be accepted by religious people, philosophers and scientists, and that it unifies their theories. Furthermore, it opens a door to explaining how the universe created celestial bodies, animals and plants.
John Chang, Universal Law (2003),Universal Publishing(Chinese), Sydeny, Australia.